Hunger & Access to Healthy Foods
Four ways to address hunger in Burnet County:
Find food and meal distribution locations
Enroll in SNAP/food benefits
Enroll home-bound people in Meals on Wheels
Find transportation to local food pantries
Food & Meal Distribution
The Burnet County Hunger Alliance is a part of the Highland Lakes Crisis Network. To access their current list of meal and food distribution locations, please visit:
Click on the PDF linked below for a printable list of food pantries and hot meal distribution locations in Burnet County.
SNAP Benefits Enrollment
Central Texas Food Bank: 855-366-3401
Burnet County CRC: 830-693-0700
Marble Falls Health & Human Services Benefits office: 830-693-5703
Meals on Wheels
Opportunities for Williamson & Burnet Counties (OWBC) Meals on Wheels: 512-715-9717
Local Transportation to Food Pantries
CARTS offers low-cost bus transportation options in Burnet County at
- CARTS Country Bus can be scheduled for trips to stores and food pantries across the county: 512-478-7433
- CARTS NOW (on demand) is available in Marble Falls city limits only 512-505-5666